On February 21, the world unites to celebrate International Mother Language Day, a tribute to linguistic and cultural diversity and a reminder of the importance of preserving each mother tongue. It’s a day that holds particular resonance for us in Bangladesh, marking both a moment of pride and painful remembrance.

The History:

The day traces back to the Language Movement in 1952, when the people of Bangladesh, then East Pakistan, protested for the recognition of Bangla as one of the two national languages. The movement culminated on February 21, when students and activists were met with violent repression, resulting in the loss of lives. Their sacrifice is a poignant reminder of the struggle for linguistic equality and rights.

Why It Matters:

For us, International Mother Language Day is not only a homage to those martyrs but also a reflection of our enduring spirit and cultural legacy. It’s a day that reaffirms the intrinsic value of our language in shaping our identity and expressing our collective narrative.

The International Importance:

Globally, this day emphasizes the critical need to promote and protect all languages, especially those at risk of disappearing. It’s a call to foster education and communication in one’s mother tongue, which is vital for preserving cultural heritage and ensuring diversity and inclusion in the global discourse.

As Bangladeshis:

We mourn the brave hearts we lost but also celebrate the linguistic freedom they secured. Their valor has etched the 21st of February into the annals of history, not only as a national day of mourning but also as a beacon of hope for language preservation worldwide.

FAIMBD’s Commitment:

At FAIMBD, we honour this day by engaging in cultural programs, hosting language workshops, and encouraging multilingual conversations within our team. We remember our roots by giving back to the community, participating in remembrance events, and advocating for the importance of linguistic diversity.

In remembering our past, we embrace our future—a world where every language flourishes and every voice is heard.